Sunday, March 1, 2009

My top 3 learning preferences……

1st : Please give clearer instructions before we do an assignment. For example : When doing comprehension, you can explain the passage and the questions briefly so that we have a better idea what is expected. And please provide us with answers to guide ( giving out the answers after finishing our assignment ).

2nd : Please provide us with more ideas on how to develop our essays and share some good essays with us.

3rd : I would like to have some online exercises (to save paper) in school ( maybe 1 period a week in the computer room). The online assignments can include : grammar, vocabulary and other aspects of English. Yes, I like to go to the computer room to work!

1 comment:

  1. Online material is readily avaiable. Do a quick search and find some exercises with answers. That would be good practice and you're not killing trees! Mr. S.
